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Open day Plantage!

Plantage urban farm "where gardening, art & innovative technology meet"

WHEN: Friday 10 October 12:00

During the National Day of Sustainability we eat out of our own garden, give tours and invite you to collaborate on this project.

Especially for people who are interested in Urban Farming, Living Laps, Closed loops, Local economy and cross-overs with arts.


12:00 – 14:00 LUNCH € 4,00

Provided by WOW Kitchen chef: Jori

13:00 – 15:00 TOURS

Through the garden, rooftop and partners

15:00 – 17:00 WHAT’S POSSIBLE?!

We invite you to think with us. What possibilities do you see as a entrepreneur, artist, student, scientist or active citizen? So take drink, a marker and fill in the canvas.

Facilitated by Frank (Knowmads)


- Vegetable Garden & Orchard (Amstelhoveniers)

- Garden of Inkplants (AGA/Blauwe Maandag)

- Vertical gardening (Vertical garden tube)

- Local Compost System (le Compostier)

- Mycelium Chair (Eric Klarenbeek)

- Cargo E-bike (Foodlogica)

- Workshop: Design with Plants (Botaniq)

- More to come, check our FB